Posts by Caroline Boff

Following my blog about gratitude and abundance, I feel that it is a fitting time to talk about happiness and love.

I honestly feel blessed to be following my purpose via my art. That is hopefully creating a joyful and happy reaction and response in viewers of my paintings, in an array of depths. The aim of my painting and its amalgation of poetry is to lift up; myself and others. I am lucky to be an empath and do hope to leave this world better than I found it. This by creating beauty through such vibrant and multicolour paintings and words (with the help of Shakespeare and Maya Angelou).

I feel that it is a time to be true to yourself and to hopefully do what you love.

Art can really speak to people and touch hearts even in the smallest of ways but that can be really powerful. It is a truly visual language, from which viewers can garner inspiration and a love; either of themselves or life itself. Art quite simply can open you up and help you to realise that life is beautiful, because it is.

Keep on with your journey of loving yourself.

Caroline x

PS The painting here is called 'Daffodil Walk and My Mum'. Click the link to view more information about my painting All Artworks | Caroline Boff FRSA


  • The Beginning of Art
    by Caroline Boff
  • by Caroline Boff

    Hey all,

    I hope you are having a good week.

    Please click this link to follow the recent fab publication I am in; Unreal Rockstars


  • To be or not to be

    To be or not to be

    that totally is the question
    by Caroline Boff

    Hi There Everyone, 

    I am a self confessed loveaholic but recently I have learned how really really good it can feel to take care of myself.

    To stand in my own skin in my own power is so incredibly pleasurable, joyful and celebratory.

    That in my opinion is one fab way to gain the freedom often craved by the human being.

    My paintings tell tales of triumph over tragedy and freedom.

    I honestly feel like I have been given the most incredible gift, a gift of self love and self respect.

    Painting gets me there, it is a part of me, a part of my soul and heart.

    My snowy grateful wish for you is that you find yourself your true self and freedom from possibly self inflicted chains. Take real loving care of yourself. 


  • It is all in the timing
    by Caroline Boff

    Blog 1st October 2024


    I am celebrating the coming of Autumn with a new painting. It is called Midnight. As per the norm with my painting it is acrylics on stretched canvas. It signifies a look at the countryside at the atmospheric time of the middle of the night. Everything is different in the dark, even the way things sound change at night. As a self-confessed night owl, I wake up at night and can’t wake up easily in the morning. I can stay in my studio at night when some of my best creations happen. Atmospheres of a place and the time of day really can change experiences.


    Midnight in my studio

  • The Lake
    The Lake
    by Caroline Boff
  • Summer Colour
    by Caroline Boff

    As summer grows nearer I realise I love all colour it doesn’t matter if it is the greys of winter, or the bright yellows and reds of summer. It has actually been proven scientifically that bright colour has a specific effect on the brain, one being to release dopamine (the feel-good chemical) as well as other positive effects.

  • by Caroline Boff

    I am looking forward to summer and using the holiday time of my MA Fine Art at the OCA to create more wonderful art. I am creating art that I always dreamed of creating and I am really excited to share it with you.


    See Artworks page here to invest in my beautiful artwork. For prints visit


    Colour really uplifts me and my mood and as such it is vital for my wellbeing. I wish to share that happiness with you too.


    Also, watch this space for some online courses by me on how to create colourful artwork and brighten up your life.

    Yours Brightly,

    Caroline x


  • Autumn and Loving Life
    by Caroline Boff
  • My painting 'The Close' of Rugby School
    My painting 'The Close' of Rugby School


    by Caroline Boff